We've provided a selection of useful calculators below. Please note that whilst the calculators are accurate, they perform generic calculations that do not take into account your individual circumstances. They should be used as a guide only and not relied upon.
Please also note we do not store or see any of the information you input to these calculators.
Use this handy tool to look at your income and expenditure and help you set a budget.
Estimate your Income Tax liability, using our online calculator.
Our online IHT calculator will help you calculate any potential IHT liability.
The inheritance tax calculator is a basic calculator to give an indication that there may be an inheritance tax liability. This calculator does not take into consideration certain reliefs you may qualify for or changes in future IHT legislation. This is a complex area of financial planning and any person who wishes to address the issue of tax and estate planning should seek independent financial advice.
The financial conduct authority does not regulate tax and estate planning.
This calculator is for individuals and does not take into account the inheritance nil rate band
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Inheritance Tax Planning
This calculator provides an indication of the returns possible based on the assumptions inputed by the user. The actual returns of investments depend on many factors and may be considerably different both lower and higher.
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only and uses assumptions based on the user’s inputs only. The output of this calculator should not be solely relied on to make important retirement planning decisions.
A pension is a long term investment and the capital invested can go down as well as up. You might not get back the initial capital invested. A pension should be seen as a long term investment. Pension legislation can and does change and this may affect the benefits you are entitled to in the future.
This retirement illustration assumes the fund remains invested in retirement and drawdown is undertaken at 4% per year and ignores the option of taking a tax free lump sum for ease of comparison.
The calculation assumes a today’s term ie. 5% adjusted for inflation at 2.5%, investment charges at 1.8%
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon. The actual rate you may be offered by a lender would depend on your individual circumstances and status.