It's no wonder that money is a big concern at the minute. Some energy suppliers are collapsing and energy costs are rising, Christmas is on the way and with gifts to buy and social occasions to attend our budget is getting more stretched than ever especially as we're still recovering from the impact the pandemic had on our finances.
What can we do about it?
Whilst we don't have a crystal ball to see what the future holds and everyone has a different financial journey, just burying your head in the sand won't help anyone. However, we need to prioritise our mental health and since financial worries can have a significant impact on this it's something we need to be aware of.
Outside pressures such as these can make it difficult to make financial decisions, but it's important to find the balance between knowing what's going on in the world and accepting there are things you simply cannot control, so taking control of the things you have influence over is key.
Energy Costs
When it comes to the current situation with energy costs heres a few things to consider:
Due to the increased energy price cap rising 12%, you are probably going to see the current fixed price deals much higher than before.
You have two options: a fixed rate, or variable rate.
A variable rate will mean your following the price cap closely, whereas a fixed rate will mean you may go higher now but will get a secured price for the term which is good if wholesale gas prices rise. Think about your own situation and do what's right for you.
It might be worthwhile putting some money away to help you next year if prices rise again in April 2022.
It's not too late to get a handle on Christmas this year, and the earlier you can prepare the better.
Take the time to start a buying list and write down each person you want to buy presents for. Think about what you would like to get them and what you are comfortable with spending,
There is often a huge pressure over the festive period to have the best presents, decorations, food and clothes but don't let this force you into spending more than you can afford.
Try and create an end-to-end plan for the Christmas period highlighting your rough spend, and see if this realisitically works with your budget. You don't want to create a debt you will carry over for much of the following year as this will reduce the amount you can put towards your financial goals for 2022.
Remember, your financial wellbeing can have a direct impact on your physical and mental wellbeing so it's important to protect this by taking control of your finances.